Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Thermo Fisher Scientific Fluorospectrometer Implemented by the University of California to improve the accuracy and efficiency of GFR Measurements in mice
WILMINGTON, Del. (November 30 2011) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today announced that the University of California (UC), San Diego, Division of Nephrology/Hypertension has implemented a Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 3300 Fluorospectrometer as the fluorescent detection system for mouse glomerular filtration rate (GFR) determination. The Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 3300 Fluorospectrometer offers a reliable micro-volume fluorescent platform for repeated determination of GFR in conscious mice to assess their renal function without surgical procedures. The instrument allows scientists to perform these measurements simply, quickly and cost-effectively, making the instrument a valuable tool for GFR research applications. A new application note entitled ‘Measuring Mouse GFR by Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-Inulin using the Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 3300 Fluorospectrometer’, is available for download at
UC San Diego’s Division of Nephrology/Hypertension considers GFR measurement to be the most reliable method in renal function assessment and as such the technique is utilized by the team to determine GFR under physiological and pathophysiological conditions in mice. In the past, the division determined GFR by measuring radioactively labeled inulin in blood plasma and urine in anesthetized animals. However, anesthesia has multiple effects on the physiology of the mammalian body and repetitive measurements are difficult to perform. As this limitation significantly impacted the study designs, the division sought an alternative method.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jouez la carte de l’écologie avec le cadeau idéal pour les amateurs de jardinage!
(Gloucester, Massachusetts) 29 Novembre 2011- Comblez les passionnés de jardinage avec la pompe à eau solaire RainPerfect de Rule Innovation, une marque Xylem. Ne vous cassez pas la tête pour trouver un cadeau de Noël : le système RainPerfect est le cadeau de jardinage idéal pour ceux qui ont déjà tout !
La pompe RainPerfect de Rule Innovation permet de recycler les ressources des réservoirs à eau de pluie puis de générer une pression suffisante pour alimenter la plupart des pistolets d’arrosage ou des asperseurs. D’une grande efficacité, la pompe RainPerfect fonctionne grâce à un panneau solaire de 3,5 watts, ce qui en fait le cadeau idéal pour tous les jardiniers soucieux de l’environnement. La pompe RainPerfect est une méthode efficace et simple pour placer son jardin sous le signe du développement durable. De plus, alors que le coût de l’énergie ne cesse d’augmenter, l’alimentation solaire de la pompe RainPerfect présente des avantages écologiques et économiques indéniables.
Xylem Analytics
Une période de fêtes réussie avec la pompe à eau sans fil AquaCharge de Rule Innovation
Gloucester, Massachusetts, 29 Novembre 2011 – Les amateurs de navigation de plaisance et de jardinage vont adorer l'AquaCharge de Rule Innovation (une marque Xylem). Plus besoin d’écumer les magasins à la recherche du cadeau parfait : l’AquaCharge est le cadeau idéal pour les fêtes de fin d’année !
Cette innovante pompe à eau sans fil peut être utilisée pour de nombreuses applications classiques telles que le drainage des bassins et des pièces d'eau du jardin, et des aquariums. En dehors du jardin, cette pompe est une solution efficace pour évacuer l'eau des kayaks, canoës et voiliers.
De dimensions modestes (17,8 x 8,3 x 14 cm) et légère (1,6 kg), la pompe portable et rechargeable de Rule Innovation constitue un objet domestique maniable et facile à utiliser. La pompe peut se raccorder à n'importe quel tuyau de jardin standard pour être facilement utilisée dans des jardins de toute taille. Sa capacité de pompage est de 754,5 litres par charge.
Xylem Analytics
Friday, 25 November 2011
Neuartige kabellose Wasserpumpe AquaCharge von Rule Innovation– eine außergewöhnliche Geschenkidee zu Weihnachten
Gloucester, MA, USA (23 November 2011) – Darauf haben Boots- und Gartenfreunde schon lange gewartet: die kabellose Wasserpumpe AquaCharge von Rule Innovation, einer Marke von Xylem. Suchen Sie nicht länger nach dem idealen Geschenk: Die AquaCharge ist genau das Richtige für Weihnachten! Die innovative, kabellose Wasserpumpe eignet sich bestens zum Abpumpen von Gartenteichen, Wasserbecken, Aquarien usw. Außerdem lässt sich die AquaCharge sehr effizient als Lenzpumpe für Kajaks, Kanus und Segelboote nutzen.
Die tragbare, akkubetriebene AquaCharge von Rule Innovation ist dank ihrer kompakten Abmessungen (ca. 18 x 8 x 14 cm) und des geringen Gewichts (ca. 1,6 kg) sehr leicht und praktisch in der Handhabung. Sie lässt sich an alle Standardgartenschläuche anschließen und in Gärten jeder Größe einsetzen.
Xylem Analytics
Auf ein grünes neues Jahr – mit dem idealen Geschenk für Hobbygärtner!
Gloucester, MA, USA (23 November 2011) – Überraschen Sie die Hobbygärtner in Ihrem Freundeskreis mit der solarbetriebenen Wasserpumpe RainPerfect von Rule Innovation, einer Marke von Xylem. Suchen Sie nicht länger nach dem idealen Geschenk: RainPerfect ist genau das Richtige für Gartenfreunde, die schon alles haben!
Die Wasserpumpe RainPerfect von Rule Innovation erzeugt genügend Druck für einen Gartenschlauch oder Rasensprenger und ermöglicht so die komfortable Bewässerung des Gartens mit Wasser aus der Regentonne. Betrieben wird die RainPerfect mit einem 3,5-Watt-Solarpaneel und präsentiert sich damit als umweltfreundliches Geschenk für alle, die im neuen Jahr ökologische Vorsätze verwirklichen wollen. Die RainPerfect ist der einfachste Weg zu nachhaltiger und dabei höchst effektiver Gartenpflege. Und angesichts der steigenden Energiekosten ist die solarbetriebene RainPerfect nicht nur umweltfreundlich, sondern auch wirtschaftlich attraktiv.
Die Wasserpumpe RainPerfect von Rule Innovation erzeugt genügend Druck für einen Gartenschlauch oder Rasensprenger und ermöglicht so die komfortable Bewässerung des Gartens mit Wasser aus der Regentonne. Betrieben wird die RainPerfect mit einem 3,5-Watt-Solarpaneel und präsentiert sich damit als umweltfreundliches Geschenk für alle, die im neuen Jahr ökologische Vorsätze verwirklichen wollen. Die RainPerfect ist der einfachste Weg zu nachhaltiger und dabei höchst effektiver Gartenpflege. Und angesichts der steigenden Energiekosten ist die solarbetriebene RainPerfect nicht nur umweltfreundlich, sondern auch wirtschaftlich attraktiv.
Xylem Analytics
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Analytical Technology Continues Water Monitoring Success by Securing Prestigious Framework Agreement with Wessex Water
Analytical Technology Continues Water Monitoring Success by Securing Prestigious Framework Agreement with Wessex Water
Manchester, UK (November 22, 2011) Specialist electrochemical sensor manufacturer Analytical Technology Inc. today announces that it has been awarded a framework agreement to supply dissolved ammonia monitoring systems to Wessex Water.
Following a detailed decision-making process in which Wessex Water evaluated a range of monitors against stringent criteria, Analytical Technology was awarded an AMP 5 framework agreement for its Q45N dissolved ammonia monitor.
Wessex Water is a regional water and sewage treatment business serving an area of the south west of England, covering 10,000 square kilometres including Dorset, Somerset, Bristol, most of Wiltshire and parts of Gloucestershire and Hampshire. The new agreement reaffirms Analytical Technology’s position as a leading supplier of water monitoring instrumentation to the majority of the UK’s largest utility companies, including Thames Water, Yorkshire Water, South West Water, United Utilities, Anglian Water and Severn Trent.
Analytical Technology’s Q45N dissolved ammonia monitor provides a new approach to on-line ammonia monitoring. The system uses reaction chemistry that converts ammonia in solution to a stable monochloramine compound that is equivalent in concentration to the original ammonia level. The chloramine concentration is then measured with a unique amperometric sensor that responds linearly to chloramines, while eliminating interference from excess free chlorine in solution. The Q45N system provides the measurement stability needed to avoid complicated automatic calibration systems and provides excellent repeatability over long periods.
For more information on Analytical Technology’s dissolved ammonia monitoring systems, please call +44(0)1457 873 318, e-mail or visit
Manchester, UK (November 22, 2011) Specialist electrochemical sensor manufacturer Analytical Technology Inc. today announces that it has been awarded a framework agreement to supply dissolved ammonia monitoring systems to Wessex Water.
Following a detailed decision-making process in which Wessex Water evaluated a range of monitors against stringent criteria, Analytical Technology was awarded an AMP 5 framework agreement for its Q45N dissolved ammonia monitor.
Wessex Water is a regional water and sewage treatment business serving an area of the south west of England, covering 10,000 square kilometres including Dorset, Somerset, Bristol, most of Wiltshire and parts of Gloucestershire and Hampshire. The new agreement reaffirms Analytical Technology’s position as a leading supplier of water monitoring instrumentation to the majority of the UK’s largest utility companies, including Thames Water, Yorkshire Water, South West Water, United Utilities, Anglian Water and Severn Trent.
Analytical Technology’s Q45N dissolved ammonia monitor provides a new approach to on-line ammonia monitoring. The system uses reaction chemistry that converts ammonia in solution to a stable monochloramine compound that is equivalent in concentration to the original ammonia level. The chloramine concentration is then measured with a unique amperometric sensor that responds linearly to chloramines, while eliminating interference from excess free chlorine in solution. The Q45N system provides the measurement stability needed to avoid complicated automatic calibration systems and provides excellent repeatability over long periods.
For more information on Analytical Technology’s dissolved ammonia monitoring systems, please call +44(0)1457 873 318, e-mail or visit
Thermo Fisher Scientific Names Winner of 2012 Winter Conference Award in Plasma Spectrochemistry
SAN JOSE, Calif. (November 17, 2011) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today announced the winner of the 2012 Winter Conference Award in Plasma Spectrochemistry, Dr. J. Sabine Becker, head of Trace and UltraTrace Analysis, Central Division of Analytical Chemistry at the Research Center Juelich, Germany. The award, which honors scientists who have made the most noteworthy contributions to the field of plasma spectrochemistry, is sponsored by Thermo Fisher. Thermo Fisher will present the award and a check for $5,000 to Dr. Becker during the 2012 Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry to be held in Tucson, Ariz. January 9–14, 2012.
Dr. Becker’s distinguished career in analytical chemistry has focused on long-lived radionuclides, ultratrace and high-purity materials analysis, isotope ratio measurements, and micro and nanolocal elemental and trace analyses. Recently she established BrainMet, an Analytical Center of Excellence at the Research Centre Juelich for brain research imaging. Based on laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), BrainMet has introduced novel imaging techniques for metals, metalloids and non-metals in biological tissues. The approach provides quantitative mapping of essential and toxic elements in thin sections of diseased and healthy medical and biological tissue sections.
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Novozymes Biopharma supplies R-Tech Ueno with Albucult® for use in unique dry eye therapy
New treatment will be the first of its kind to utilize the benefits of Novozymes’ recombinant human albumin
NOTTINGHAM, UK – November 15, 2011 – Novozymes Biopharma, part of Novozymes A/S world leader in bioinnovation, has announced that its recombinant human albumin, Albucult®, has been selected by R-Tech Ueno for use in a unique treatment for dry eye syndrome. R-Tech Ueno is a global pharmaceutical company specializing in the fields of ophthalmology and dermatology. The Japan-based company will utilize Albucult as a key component in its new therapy which will be the first of its kind developed for the treatment of severe and moderate dry eye conditions. Albucult is manufactured by Novozymes’ long-term technology partner Kaketsuken based in Kumamoto, Japan and marketed by Novozymes world-wide.
Dr Yukihiko Mashima, President of R-Tech Ueno, comments: “Novozymes’ and Kaketsuken’s commitment to supplying products that enhance the safety profile and quality of their partners’ medicines makes them the ideal collaborators for us to work with. Novozymes has a wealth of experience of biomaterials and sets the benchmark for recombinant human albumin.”
Prevalence of dry eye syndrome continues to increase, with the condition having the highest rate of diagnosis of all ophthalmic disorders. As an active ingredient, Albucult® confers a range of unique advantages to the development of R-Tech Ueno’s new therapy including an exceptional purity profile and excellent batch-to-batch consistency, which is not possible with animal-derived ingredients.
Dermot Pearson, Marketing Director at Novozymes Biopharma, comments: “Novozymes is delighted that R-Tech Ueno has selected Albucult for use in the development of this innovative new treatment. The partnership demonstrates our commitment to supplying customers with quality biomaterials that reduce operational and regulatory complexity and minimize manufacturing risk.”
The use of Albucult in R-Tech Ueno’s therapy and other drugs can help to optimize pathways through regulatory approval procedures and improve time–to-market. Albucult also delivers unprecedented performance benefits to protein therapeutics and medical devices while ensuring security of supply and consistent quality. This can drive product development efficiency for customers looking for a compliant albumin alternative.
For further information on Novozymes Biopharma’s Albucult, please visit
About Novozymes
Novozymes is the world leader in bioinnovation. Together with customers across a broad array of industries, we create tomorrow’s industrial biosolutions, improving our customers' business and the use of our planet's resources.
With over 700 products used in 130 countries, Novozymes’ bioinnovations improve industrial performance and safeguard the world’s resources by offering superior and sustainable solutions for tomorrow’s ever-changing marketplace. Read more at
Novozymes Biopharma:
Sally Vernon, Customer Communications Manager
Tel. +44 115 955 3355
NOTTINGHAM, UK – November 15, 2011 – Novozymes Biopharma, part of Novozymes A/S world leader in bioinnovation, has announced that its recombinant human albumin, Albucult®, has been selected by R-Tech Ueno for use in a unique treatment for dry eye syndrome. R-Tech Ueno is a global pharmaceutical company specializing in the fields of ophthalmology and dermatology. The Japan-based company will utilize Albucult as a key component in its new therapy which will be the first of its kind developed for the treatment of severe and moderate dry eye conditions. Albucult is manufactured by Novozymes’ long-term technology partner Kaketsuken based in Kumamoto, Japan and marketed by Novozymes world-wide.
Dr Yukihiko Mashima, President of R-Tech Ueno, comments: “Novozymes’ and Kaketsuken’s commitment to supplying products that enhance the safety profile and quality of their partners’ medicines makes them the ideal collaborators for us to work with. Novozymes has a wealth of experience of biomaterials and sets the benchmark for recombinant human albumin.”
Prevalence of dry eye syndrome continues to increase, with the condition having the highest rate of diagnosis of all ophthalmic disorders. As an active ingredient, Albucult® confers a range of unique advantages to the development of R-Tech Ueno’s new therapy including an exceptional purity profile and excellent batch-to-batch consistency, which is not possible with animal-derived ingredients.
Dermot Pearson, Marketing Director at Novozymes Biopharma, comments: “Novozymes is delighted that R-Tech Ueno has selected Albucult for use in the development of this innovative new treatment. The partnership demonstrates our commitment to supplying customers with quality biomaterials that reduce operational and regulatory complexity and minimize manufacturing risk.”
The use of Albucult in R-Tech Ueno’s therapy and other drugs can help to optimize pathways through regulatory approval procedures and improve time–to-market. Albucult also delivers unprecedented performance benefits to protein therapeutics and medical devices while ensuring security of supply and consistent quality. This can drive product development efficiency for customers looking for a compliant albumin alternative.
For further information on Novozymes Biopharma’s Albucult, please visit
About Novozymes
Novozymes is the world leader in bioinnovation. Together with customers across a broad array of industries, we create tomorrow’s industrial biosolutions, improving our customers' business and the use of our planet's resources.
With over 700 products used in 130 countries, Novozymes’ bioinnovations improve industrial performance and safeguard the world’s resources by offering superior and sustainable solutions for tomorrow’s ever-changing marketplace. Read more at
Novozymes Biopharma:
Sally Vernon, Customer Communications Manager
Tel. +44 115 955 3355
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Thermo Fisher Scientific Announces New Method for Low Level Detection of Volatile Nitrosamines in Tobacco
SAN JOSE, Calif., (November 14, 2011) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today announced a new comprehensive method that uses triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS to achieve lower levels of detection of volatile nitrosamines (VNA) in tobacco. The new method allows environmental laboratories, tobacco companies and government agencies to efficiently separate VNAs while lowering detection limits, increasing specificity and enabling the analysis of many other contaminants in tobacco, including pesticides. The new method is detailed in an application note entitled “Lower Detection Limits of Volatile Nitrosamines in Tobacco by Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS,” available to download at
Volatile nitrosamines are a class of compounds that can form in tobacco smoke, as well as during the curing and processing of tobacco. These compounds have been proven to have adverse effects on human health; and two of the VNAs found in tobacco, N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), are classed as known human carcinogens by regulatory authorities. As a result, these compounds must be thoroughly monitored in order to safeguard human health and comply with increasingly stringent regulations.
The new Thermo Fisher method is a powerful alternative to other traditionally used techniques. By coupling a gas chromatograph to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, the new method makes detection limits of 1ng/mL achievable, enabling users to satisfy the increasingly lower detection limits required by governments and regulatory bodies. The method also increases contaminant specificity within a classification and allows many other organic contaminants and chemicals in tobacco to be analyzed simultaneously, including pesticides.
The new method includes GC-MS/MS analysis on the Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum XLS triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS system using timed selected reaction monitoring (t-SRM). This unique feature enables easy method set-up and allows users to run samples while the instrument automatically determines the optimal time for SRM parameters.
For more information on the new Thermo Fisher GC/MS-MS method for the detection of VNAs in tobacco or to obtain a copy of the application note, please call +1 866-463-6522, e-mail or visit
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, we have approximately 37,000 employees and serve customers within pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities, research institutions and government agencies, as well as in environmental and process control industries. We create value for our key stakeholders through two premier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, which offer a unique combination of continuous technology development and the most convenient purchasing options. Our products and services help accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and solve analytical challenges ranging from complex research to routine testing to field applications. Visit
Volatile nitrosamines are a class of compounds that can form in tobacco smoke, as well as during the curing and processing of tobacco. These compounds have been proven to have adverse effects on human health; and two of the VNAs found in tobacco, N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), are classed as known human carcinogens by regulatory authorities. As a result, these compounds must be thoroughly monitored in order to safeguard human health and comply with increasingly stringent regulations.
The new Thermo Fisher method is a powerful alternative to other traditionally used techniques. By coupling a gas chromatograph to a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, the new method makes detection limits of 1ng/mL achievable, enabling users to satisfy the increasingly lower detection limits required by governments and regulatory bodies. The method also increases contaminant specificity within a classification and allows many other organic contaminants and chemicals in tobacco to be analyzed simultaneously, including pesticides.
The new method includes GC-MS/MS analysis on the Thermo Scientific TSQ Quantum XLS triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS system using timed selected reaction monitoring (t-SRM). This unique feature enables easy method set-up and allows users to run samples while the instrument automatically determines the optimal time for SRM parameters.
For more information on the new Thermo Fisher GC/MS-MS method for the detection of VNAs in tobacco or to obtain a copy of the application note, please call +1 866-463-6522, e-mail or visit
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, we have approximately 37,000 employees and serve customers within pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities, research institutions and government agencies, as well as in environmental and process control industries. We create value for our key stakeholders through two premier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, which offer a unique combination of continuous technology development and the most convenient purchasing options. Our products and services help accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and solve analytical challenges ranging from complex research to routine testing to field applications. Visit
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Synergy Health Announces Contract Extension With Homerton University Hospital
Swindon, UK (11 November 2011) – Synergy Health plc, the leading provider of specialist outsourced services to healthcare providers, is pleased to announce that Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has extended its contract with the company, entering into a new sterile services agreement (for decontamination of surgical instruments) which also includes the supply of over 10,000 theatre consumables (single use bowl sets). Synergy Health delivers a range of specialist outsourced services to healthcare providers across Europe and China, aimed at supporting customers to improve the quality and efficiency of their activities, reducing risks to patients and clients. The contract is a continuation of the long standing relationship between the organizations.
The contract was awarded following a competitive tender process, with Synergy Health offering a number of innovative solutions. The company’s CEO, UK and Ireland, Adrian Coward said: “Synergy Health is a trusted and proven partner to the NHS, continually striving for mutual success based on trust, innovation and accountability. It is deeply committed to delivering the highest quality in everything it does, going the extra mile to make a difference; solve problems and reduce risk. For Homerton we incorporated single use and reusable theatre consumables into the agreement, offering significant price benefits and added value, with the potential of increasing our supply of medical products.”
Synergy Health has been running the Trust’s sterile services department for a number of years, processing around 1 million items per year. The company is fully engaged with economic pressures facing the NHS and its services offer significant economies of scale and efficiency savings to clients, backed by an exemplary track record in regulatory compliance. The company believes that improved business outcomes can be achieved by working collaboratively.
Synergy Health works with leading instrument suppliers on improving design and reducing tray defects and enjoys very low defect rates. A testament to the established relationship between Synergy Health and its customers are the high quality standards hospitals are continuing to experience, benefiting from exceptionally low defect and rejection rates from both sides of the partnership.
Adrian Coward continued: “This continued collaboration demonstrates the success of long-lasting relationships and confirms that public and private sectors can work together to provide excellent integrated services to patients. The innovative solutions offer value for money, quality enhancements and improved services, from both in-house suppliers and third party distributors.”
To learn more Synergy Health’s services, please visit, contact or alternatively call 01582 501234
Notes to editors:
About Synergy Health
Synergy Health is the largest provider of outsourced hospital sterilisation services in Europe with 19 facilities across the UK and further facilities in Belgium, Netherlands and China. It safely sterilises around 60 million surgical instruments each year from NHS acute and primary Trusts and the independent sector throughout the country.
Synergy’s services offer significant economies of scale and efficiency savings to the NHS, is fully engaged with the reforms in healthcare and is committed to supporting the NHS in reducing its cost burden while striving for the highest quality of care and best outcomes for patients.
For further press information please contact: Sarah Evans, The Scott Partnership, 1 Whiteside, Station Road, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. CW4 8AA United Kingdom Tel: + 44 1477 539539 Fax: +44 1477 539540 mail to:
The contract was awarded following a competitive tender process, with Synergy Health offering a number of innovative solutions. The company’s CEO, UK and Ireland, Adrian Coward said: “Synergy Health is a trusted and proven partner to the NHS, continually striving for mutual success based on trust, innovation and accountability. It is deeply committed to delivering the highest quality in everything it does, going the extra mile to make a difference; solve problems and reduce risk. For Homerton we incorporated single use and reusable theatre consumables into the agreement, offering significant price benefits and added value, with the potential of increasing our supply of medical products.”
Synergy Health has been running the Trust’s sterile services department for a number of years, processing around 1 million items per year. The company is fully engaged with economic pressures facing the NHS and its services offer significant economies of scale and efficiency savings to clients, backed by an exemplary track record in regulatory compliance. The company believes that improved business outcomes can be achieved by working collaboratively.
Synergy Health works with leading instrument suppliers on improving design and reducing tray defects and enjoys very low defect rates. A testament to the established relationship between Synergy Health and its customers are the high quality standards hospitals are continuing to experience, benefiting from exceptionally low defect and rejection rates from both sides of the partnership.
Adrian Coward continued: “This continued collaboration demonstrates the success of long-lasting relationships and confirms that public and private sectors can work together to provide excellent integrated services to patients. The innovative solutions offer value for money, quality enhancements and improved services, from both in-house suppliers and third party distributors.”
To learn more Synergy Health’s services, please visit, contact or alternatively call 01582 501234
Notes to editors:
About Synergy Health
Synergy Health is the largest provider of outsourced hospital sterilisation services in Europe with 19 facilities across the UK and further facilities in Belgium, Netherlands and China. It safely sterilises around 60 million surgical instruments each year from NHS acute and primary Trusts and the independent sector throughout the country.
Synergy’s services offer significant economies of scale and efficiency savings to the NHS, is fully engaged with the reforms in healthcare and is committed to supporting the NHS in reducing its cost burden while striving for the highest quality of care and best outcomes for patients.
For further press information please contact: Sarah Evans, The Scott Partnership, 1 Whiteside, Station Road, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. CW4 8AA United Kingdom Tel: + 44 1477 539539 Fax: +44 1477 539540 mail to:
business innovation,
Synergy Health
Friday, 11 November 2011
Thermo Fisher Scientific Launches Technical Library on LC-MS Solutions for
LC-MS Solutions Simplify Sample Preparation Time and Maximize Mass Spec Throughput
SAN JOSE, Calif. (November 11, 2011) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today announced the availability of a new technical library of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) solutions for endocrine drug analysis in clinical research, including methods showcasing the ability of automated sample preparation and multiplexing to reduce sample preparation time and maximize mass spectrometer throughput.
The regularly updated technical library, available at, comprises detailed publications from Thermo Fisher’s dedicated global clinical research team, which develops faster and more analytically sensitive methods for endocrine drug analysis for its research clients. The new library is a comprehensive resource containing application notes, webinars, technical posters, case studies, videos and web resources for numerous applications.
“We designed the LC-MS technical library for endocrine drug analysis to help laboratory managers and technicians better understand the power of LC-MS technology for clinical research. We believe what they learn from this great resource will help maximize their sample throughput, improve turnaround time and reduce overall analysis cost, without compromising data quality for drug analysis,” said Ian Jardine, vice president of global R&D, Thermo Fisher.
The technical library includes the latest applications utilized for the analysis of endocrine drugs in clinical research, including:
- Immunoaffinity for research analysis of 1,25D
- Automated online sample preparation for time savings
- UHPLC for higher throughput
- Triple stage quadrupole for necessary LOQ and dynamic range
- High-resolution, accurate mass for difficult endogenous molecules
The online technical library, designed as a knowledge transfer tool, is available free of charge at
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
For the latest information about Thermo Fisher Scientific solutions and the wide range of applications for endocrine drug analysis, please call +1 800 532 4752, e-mail or visit
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, we have approximately 37,000 employees and serve customers within pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities, research institutions and government agencies, as well as in environmental and process control industries. We create value for our key stakeholders through two premier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, which offer a unique combination of continuous technology development and the most convenient purchasing options. Our products and services help accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and solve analytical challenges ranging from complex research to routine testing to field applications. Visit
SAN JOSE, Calif. (November 11, 2011) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today announced the availability of a new technical library of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) solutions for endocrine drug analysis in clinical research, including methods showcasing the ability of automated sample preparation and multiplexing to reduce sample preparation time and maximize mass spectrometer throughput.
The regularly updated technical library, available at, comprises detailed publications from Thermo Fisher’s dedicated global clinical research team, which develops faster and more analytically sensitive methods for endocrine drug analysis for its research clients. The new library is a comprehensive resource containing application notes, webinars, technical posters, case studies, videos and web resources for numerous applications.
“We designed the LC-MS technical library for endocrine drug analysis to help laboratory managers and technicians better understand the power of LC-MS technology for clinical research. We believe what they learn from this great resource will help maximize their sample throughput, improve turnaround time and reduce overall analysis cost, without compromising data quality for drug analysis,” said Ian Jardine, vice president of global R&D, Thermo Fisher.
The technical library includes the latest applications utilized for the analysis of endocrine drugs in clinical research, including:
- Immunoaffinity for research analysis of 1,25D
- Automated online sample preparation for time savings
- UHPLC for higher throughput
- Triple stage quadrupole for necessary LOQ and dynamic range
- High-resolution, accurate mass for difficult endogenous molecules
The online technical library, designed as a knowledge transfer tool, is available free of charge at
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
For the latest information about Thermo Fisher Scientific solutions and the wide range of applications for endocrine drug analysis, please call +1 800 532 4752, e-mail or visit
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, we have approximately 37,000 employees and serve customers within pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities, research institutions and government agencies, as well as in environmental and process control industries. We create value for our key stakeholders through two premier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, which offer a unique combination of continuous technology development and the most convenient purchasing options. Our products and services help accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and solve analytical challenges ranging from complex research to routine testing to field applications. Visit
Friday, 4 November 2011
Exco InTouch Wins European Outsourcing Award for Second Year Running
Sawbridgeworth, UK – November 3, 2011- Exco InTouch, the leading provider of mobile patient communication solutions for the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors, today announced another success in the prestigious European Outsourcing Awards, held in Frankfurt on 26 October 2011. In the second year running that the company has received the EOA award, Exco InTouch has been honoured with the accolade of ‘Best eBusiness/IT strategy’, which recognizes Exco InTouch’s collaboration with Pfizer. The study, which focused on new Research on Electronic Monitoring of OAB Treatment Experience (REMOTE), is the first Participatory Patient-Centred (PPC) clinical trial to be conducted. The Phase 4 trial was facilitated with the use of proven mobile eDiary technology from Exco InTouch, enabling patients to participate regardless of location, age or proximity to site.
In order to support the success of this patient-centred, field-based study, Pfizer required a mobile technology platform offering an ease-of-use interface that provided accessibility, particularly with older patients in mind. The familiar, light-weight and accessible nature of a regular cell phone loaded with intuitive software meant it was the natural choice for Pfizer. These ePRO diaries enabled Pfizer to interact directly with study participants in a personalised and cost-effective manner, sending reminders and motivational messages directly to the patient’s cell phone. As a result, this improved patient compliance and retention, increasing overall data accuracy. Patients were also able to manage their own trial remotely and report results directly to a trial investigator who kept close oversight of patient eligibility and safety.
Since its inception in 2005, the EOA awards has recognised new and significant developments in contract services and rewarded successful companies for their outstanding contribution to the industry throughout the year. Despite strong competition from multiple industry competitors, the EOA crowned Exco InTouch winners of the award for their contribution in facilitating the revolutionary study with its innovative eDiary technology and flexible, customised service. EOA judges were impressed by the potential of the cellphone-based ePRO technology to transform how patients access and participate in clinical trials and to accelerate clinical research while improving quality.
Tim Davis, CEO of Exco InTouch comments, “It is a great honour to win an award that recognizes the collaboration between Exco InTouch and Pfizer and the integral part Exco’s leading ePRO technology played in the revolutionary study. Together we have been able to meet our joint objective to focus on innovative advancements that will accelerate clinical research through enhanced data quality and improvement in the way that patients all over the world can access clinical trials.”
For further information on the Exco InTouch range of solutions, please call +44 1279 709 040 or +1 877 327 5777 or visit
About Exco InTouch
Exco InTouch is the leading provider of regulatory compliant interactive mobile patient communication solutions for Patient Recruitment, Retention, Compliance, ePRO/eDiary and Late Phase studies. Using a combination of software and services, Exco InTouch solutions provide simple, quick and non-intrusive channels of communication that enables sponsors, CROs, sites and patient recruitment agencies, find the right patients; keep them in their studies; motivate them to maintain full compliance and facilitate the collection of quality patient data, thus ensuring a better overall patient experience.
These solutions are currently being used by hundreds of thousands of patients in over 70 countries, delivered in the local language and are fully compliant with HIPAA regulations, FDA CFR 21 Part 11 and all electronic communication privacy directives.
For more info on Exco InTouch visit
In order to support the success of this patient-centred, field-based study, Pfizer required a mobile technology platform offering an ease-of-use interface that provided accessibility, particularly with older patients in mind. The familiar, light-weight and accessible nature of a regular cell phone loaded with intuitive software meant it was the natural choice for Pfizer. These ePRO diaries enabled Pfizer to interact directly with study participants in a personalised and cost-effective manner, sending reminders and motivational messages directly to the patient’s cell phone. As a result, this improved patient compliance and retention, increasing overall data accuracy. Patients were also able to manage their own trial remotely and report results directly to a trial investigator who kept close oversight of patient eligibility and safety.
Since its inception in 2005, the EOA awards has recognised new and significant developments in contract services and rewarded successful companies for their outstanding contribution to the industry throughout the year. Despite strong competition from multiple industry competitors, the EOA crowned Exco InTouch winners of the award for their contribution in facilitating the revolutionary study with its innovative eDiary technology and flexible, customised service. EOA judges were impressed by the potential of the cellphone-based ePRO technology to transform how patients access and participate in clinical trials and to accelerate clinical research while improving quality.
Tim Davis, CEO of Exco InTouch comments, “It is a great honour to win an award that recognizes the collaboration between Exco InTouch and Pfizer and the integral part Exco’s leading ePRO technology played in the revolutionary study. Together we have been able to meet our joint objective to focus on innovative advancements that will accelerate clinical research through enhanced data quality and improvement in the way that patients all over the world can access clinical trials.”
For further information on the Exco InTouch range of solutions, please call +44 1279 709 040 or +1 877 327 5777 or visit
About Exco InTouch
Exco InTouch is the leading provider of regulatory compliant interactive mobile patient communication solutions for Patient Recruitment, Retention, Compliance, ePRO/eDiary and Late Phase studies. Using a combination of software and services, Exco InTouch solutions provide simple, quick and non-intrusive channels of communication that enables sponsors, CROs, sites and patient recruitment agencies, find the right patients; keep them in their studies; motivate them to maintain full compliance and facilitate the collection of quality patient data, thus ensuring a better overall patient experience.
These solutions are currently being used by hundreds of thousands of patients in over 70 countries, delivered in the local language and are fully compliant with HIPAA regulations, FDA CFR 21 Part 11 and all electronic communication privacy directives.
For more info on Exco InTouch visit
Thermo Fisher Scientific Launches Technical Library of LC-MS Solutions for Quick and Easy Analysis of PPCPs and Pesticides in Water
LC-MS Solutions Reduce Sample Preparation Time While Maintaining Sensitivity and Selectivity
SAN JOSE, Calif. (November 4, 2011) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today announced the availability of a new technical library of LC-MS solutions for water analysis, including application information on the detection of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and pesticides.
The technical library, available at, is a comprehensive and regularly updated searchable resource containing application notes, webinars, technical posters, articles, case studies, videos and web resources for numerous applications, including the analysis of pesticides, PPCPs, herbicides, endocrine disruptors and perfluorinated compounds.
“We designed the LC-MS technical library to give our customers ready access to water and beverage analysis resources that can help them improve and simplify their laboratory operations,” said Dipankar Ghosh, Ph.D., strategic marketing manager for environmental and food safety solutions at Thermo Fisher Scientific. “Our innovative LC-MS systems support a wide variety of applications for water and beverage sampling, from targeted and non-targeted screening to quantitative and qualitative analyses. We are committed to making our customers’ analyses as easy as possible with solutions that address both existing and future environmental concerns.”
The Thermo Scientific EQuan MAX LC-MS solution is ideal for quick and easy detection of pesticides and PPCPs in surface and drinking water, reducing the time required for sample preparation while delivering the sensitivity and selectivity needed to identify analytes of interest. The EQuan MAX system is an automated, high-throughput LC-MS solution that offers improved productivity and simplified assay development. With its unique online sample enrichment technique, scientists can significantly reduce analysis time - from days to minutes. And its high injection volume (1-20mL) enables higher detection limits than conventional LC-MS/MS analysis.
The online technical library, designed as a knowledge transfer tool, provides customers with access to Thermo Fisher’s vast application expertise and a variety of technical applications for water analysis. The digital resource is available free at
For the latest information about Thermo Fisher solutions and its wide range of applications for water and beverage analysis, please call +1 800 532 4752, e-mail or visit
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, we have approximately 37,000 employees and serve customers within pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities, research institutions and government agencies, as well as in environmental and process control industries. We create value for our key stakeholders through two premier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, which offer a unique combination of continuous technology development and the most convenient purchasing options. Our products and services help accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and solve analytical challenges ranging from complex research to routine testing to field applications. Visit
SAN JOSE, Calif. (November 4, 2011) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today announced the availability of a new technical library of LC-MS solutions for water analysis, including application information on the detection of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and pesticides.
The technical library, available at, is a comprehensive and regularly updated searchable resource containing application notes, webinars, technical posters, articles, case studies, videos and web resources for numerous applications, including the analysis of pesticides, PPCPs, herbicides, endocrine disruptors and perfluorinated compounds.
“We designed the LC-MS technical library to give our customers ready access to water and beverage analysis resources that can help them improve and simplify their laboratory operations,” said Dipankar Ghosh, Ph.D., strategic marketing manager for environmental and food safety solutions at Thermo Fisher Scientific. “Our innovative LC-MS systems support a wide variety of applications for water and beverage sampling, from targeted and non-targeted screening to quantitative and qualitative analyses. We are committed to making our customers’ analyses as easy as possible with solutions that address both existing and future environmental concerns.”
The Thermo Scientific EQuan MAX LC-MS solution is ideal for quick and easy detection of pesticides and PPCPs in surface and drinking water, reducing the time required for sample preparation while delivering the sensitivity and selectivity needed to identify analytes of interest. The EQuan MAX system is an automated, high-throughput LC-MS solution that offers improved productivity and simplified assay development. With its unique online sample enrichment technique, scientists can significantly reduce analysis time - from days to minutes. And its high injection volume (1-20mL) enables higher detection limits than conventional LC-MS/MS analysis.
The online technical library, designed as a knowledge transfer tool, provides customers with access to Thermo Fisher’s vast application expertise and a variety of technical applications for water analysis. The digital resource is available free at
For the latest information about Thermo Fisher solutions and its wide range of applications for water and beverage analysis, please call +1 800 532 4752, e-mail or visit
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, we have approximately 37,000 employees and serve customers within pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities, research institutions and government agencies, as well as in environmental and process control industries. We create value for our key stakeholders through two premier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, which offer a unique combination of continuous technology development and the most convenient purchasing options. Our products and services help accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and solve analytical challenges ranging from complex research to routine testing to field applications. Visit
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Thermo Fisher Scientific Nano-UHPLC System Significantly Increases Productivity During Proteomics Research at the University of Southern Denmark
ODENSE, Denmark (November 2, 2011) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. the world leader in serving science, today announced that the Center for Experimental Bioinformatics (CEBI) at the University of Southern Denmark is using Thermo Scientific nano-ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) technology to accelerate productivity and improve efficiencies during its proteomics research. Implementation of the Thermo Scientific EASY-nLC 1000 has enabled 34 percent more peptide and 22 percent more protein identifications within the CEBI laboratory, significantly increasing productivity. Additionally, the instrument has improved separations and facilitated the analysis of more complex samples within the laboratory.
Based in Odense, the University of Southern Denmark’s Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is world-renowned in the field of proteomics, with research focusing on gene structure and organization, regulation and RNA translation. CEBI is a specialist proteomics research laboratory, aimed at applying modern methods of mass spectrometry and proteomics to functional analysis of genes.
Prior to implementing nano-UHPLC technology, CEBI used conventional HPLC. However they needed a more complete solution, such as EASY-nLC 1000, to accelerate productivity and improve efficiencies. The EASY-nLC 1000 is used in conjunction with Thermo Scientific ion trap and Orbitrap mass spectrometers for a wide range of proteomics research, including the study of complex mouse dendritic cells.
Using the EASY-nLC 1000 has allowed CEBI to take advantage of the unique ability to facilitate dedicated separation of biomolecules at ultra-high pressures. The higher operating pressures provided by the EASY-nLC 1000 have increased the number of peptide and protein identifications performed within the laboratory by 34 percent and 22 percent respectively. The instrument also allows selection of the most appropriate column dimensions and solid phase materials in order to identify the most suitable configuration to match analytical requirements. Using thinner, longer columns and smaller beads has improved separation and ionization, enhancing sensitivity and allowing the CEBI team to scale down experiments and reduce costs.
“The EASY-nLC 1000 is a highly robust instrument offering nano-UHPLC performance dedicated to proteomics scientists,” said Lasse Falkenby, research assistant at CEBI. “We decided to implement the new system in our laboratory as we felt that it would revolutionize the way we perform LC-MS analyses. The instrument has allowed our laboratory to increase productivity considerably in a way that would never have been possible before. Implementation was a very smooth process requiring minimal configuration effort and the Thermo Fisher Scientific team of experts provided valuable support both throughout and after this process.”
For more information on the Thermo Scientific EASY-nLC 1000, please visit, call (781) 933-4689 or e-mail
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, we have approximately 37,000 employees and serve customers within pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities, research institutions and government agencies, as well as in environmental and process control industries. We create value for our key stakeholders through two premier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, which offer a unique combination of continuous technology development and the most convenient purchasing options. Our products and services help accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and solve analytical challenges ranging from complex research to routine testing to field applications. Visit
Based in Odense, the University of Southern Denmark’s Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is world-renowned in the field of proteomics, with research focusing on gene structure and organization, regulation and RNA translation. CEBI is a specialist proteomics research laboratory, aimed at applying modern methods of mass spectrometry and proteomics to functional analysis of genes.
Prior to implementing nano-UHPLC technology, CEBI used conventional HPLC. However they needed a more complete solution, such as EASY-nLC 1000, to accelerate productivity and improve efficiencies. The EASY-nLC 1000 is used in conjunction with Thermo Scientific ion trap and Orbitrap mass spectrometers for a wide range of proteomics research, including the study of complex mouse dendritic cells.
Using the EASY-nLC 1000 has allowed CEBI to take advantage of the unique ability to facilitate dedicated separation of biomolecules at ultra-high pressures. The higher operating pressures provided by the EASY-nLC 1000 have increased the number of peptide and protein identifications performed within the laboratory by 34 percent and 22 percent respectively. The instrument also allows selection of the most appropriate column dimensions and solid phase materials in order to identify the most suitable configuration to match analytical requirements. Using thinner, longer columns and smaller beads has improved separation and ionization, enhancing sensitivity and allowing the CEBI team to scale down experiments and reduce costs.
“The EASY-nLC 1000 is a highly robust instrument offering nano-UHPLC performance dedicated to proteomics scientists,” said Lasse Falkenby, research assistant at CEBI. “We decided to implement the new system in our laboratory as we felt that it would revolutionize the way we perform LC-MS analyses. The instrument has allowed our laboratory to increase productivity considerably in a way that would never have been possible before. Implementation was a very smooth process requiring minimal configuration effort and the Thermo Fisher Scientific team of experts provided valuable support both throughout and after this process.”
For more information on the Thermo Scientific EASY-nLC 1000, please visit, call (781) 933-4689 or e-mail
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, we have approximately 37,000 employees and serve customers within pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities, research institutions and government agencies, as well as in environmental and process control industries. We create value for our key stakeholders through two premier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, which offer a unique combination of continuous technology development and the most convenient purchasing options. Our products and services help accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and solve analytical challenges ranging from complex research to routine testing to field applications. Visit
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Thermo Fisher Scientific Showcases End-to-End Solutions for Biobanks and Biorepositories at ESBB 2011
The Turnkey Biobanking Solution Ensures Biospecimen Quality, Improves Efficiency and Fosters Information Sharing
PHILADELPHIA (November 1 2011) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today announced it will showcase its turnkey biobanking solution within booths 13 and 14 at ESBB 2011, taking place from November 16-19, in Marseille, France. This comprehensive solution set ensures sample quality and addresses the complete biobanking workflow including biospecimen collection, processing, testing and storage, as well as sample and data management.
Thermo Scientific solutions address the unique and complex needs of biobanks and biorepositories while offering scalability and efficiency to organizations of all sizes, from university research labs to contract research organizations, laboratories and large-scale pharmaceutical and biotechnology facilities. The company delivers the software, equipment, consumables, reagents and services to provide the end-to-end solution required for today’s rapidly changing organizations.
With solutions from both the Thermo Scientific and Fisher BioServices brands, the integrated biobanking portfolio encompasses everything from sample preparation (centrifuges and laminar flow cabinets) and liquid handling equipment (pipettes, automated liquid handling) to cold storage devices (freezers and cryogenic storage) and consumables and reagents for sample preparation, analysis and storage. The biobanking solution also includes high-end equipment such as mass spectrometers and robotics to automate the biobanking process.
Fisher BioServices is the largest biorepository, managing more than 170,000,000 samples across facilities worldwide. The Thermo Scientific Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for Biobanks, specifically designed to address the unique challenges of managing biospecimen collection, location, online requests (including consent management and request management), chain of custody, data compliance and security, instrument integration and automation, and client billing, is used to manage this vast biorepository.
“Today, cross-disciplinary collaboration among peers is imperative, and many organizations are extending their reach to collaborate with university hospitals, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, contract research organizations and biobanks. This creates complexity as data and reports must be aggregated in a timely fashion without compromises in accuracy,” said Dave Champagne, vice president and general manager, Informatics, Thermo Fisher. “Our turnkey biobanking portfolio fosters collaboration and sharing so our customers can focus on advancing science and making life-saving discoveries.”
Thermo Scientific and Fisher BioServices solutions within booths 13 and 14 at ESBB include:
- Thermo Scientific LIMS for Biobanks. Biobanks require an advanced LIMS to manage biospecimen locations, online request management, data compliance and security, instrument integration, chain of custody and client billing. Thermo Scientific LIMS for Biobanks enables an integrated research information network by improving sample management and facilitating flawless transmission of data between different laboratories, partner organizations and the FDA. Standardizing on a single LIMS solution is a means of achieving easy data sharing and public access to findings.
- Biorepository Services. Fisher BioServices is the world leader in biological specimen management for the life science and clinical research industries. Its global capabilities comprise collection to repository, including transportation, inventory, biorepository services, biological lab processing and other support services. Through Fisher BioServices, the company can store BSL-3 materials, environmental samples, cell lines, tissues and blood products in facilities that are compliant with current good manufacturing laboratory and tissue practices (cGMP, cGLP, cGTP).
- Cold Storage and Freezers: Researchers worldwide protect more than two billion samples inside Thermo Scientific cold storage equipment. The company’s proven cold storage sample protection solutions range from +4C high-performance lab refrigerators to -196C cryogenic freezers. New at ESBB will be the Thermo Scientific Dense Storage system for low-temperature storage of biological samples and solutions. The system combines 1 mL Thermo Scientific Nunc CryoBank tubes with the new 13 x 13 tube dividers and Nunc™ CryoBoxes. This novel Dense Storage format effectively doubles existing storage capacity, which can reduce costs by up to 50 percent while decreasing energy use. Thermo Scientific freezers maximize sample storage capacity while minimizing the freezer’s footprint inside the lab. Five new capacities range in size from 421 - 949 liters (14.9 - 33.5 cu. ft.) and provide a number of options to suit any storage and lab space requirements. The new cabinet design and vacuum panel insulation permit storage of up to 70,000 2mL tubes or 118,300 1mL Thermo Scientific Cryobank tubes.
- Sample Storage and Automation: Integral 2D barcoded tubes and 2D readers offer a unique identifier for all samples, and the barcode scanner software is fully embedded and integrated with Thermo Scientific LIMS, allowing for a more streamlined workflow and automated data management for all samples. New at ESBB is the Thermo Scientific ID Scribe Labware Identifier for consistent and legible labeling of storage tubes, vials and other common labware. By removing the need for hand-labeling, sample misidentification is eliminated and laboratory efficiency is improved.
Also at ESBB, Thermo Fisher will present two workshops: “Efficient Storage of Biological Samples – How to store more samples in your freezer” and “Where In The World Are My Samples.”
For more information about Thermo Scientific solutions for biobanks and biorepositories, visit, call +1 866 463 6522 (U.S.), +44 161 942 3000 (EU), +31 (0)76 579 5555 (Breda), e-mail or visit
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, we have approximately 37,000 employees and serve customers within pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities, research institutions and government agencies, as well as in environmental and process control industries. We create value for our key stakeholders through two premier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, which offer a unique combination of continuous technology development and the most convenient purchasing options. Our products and services help accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and solve analytical challenges ranging from complex research to routine testing to field applications. Visit
PHILADELPHIA (November 1 2011) – Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today announced it will showcase its turnkey biobanking solution within booths 13 and 14 at ESBB 2011, taking place from November 16-19, in Marseille, France. This comprehensive solution set ensures sample quality and addresses the complete biobanking workflow including biospecimen collection, processing, testing and storage, as well as sample and data management.
Thermo Scientific solutions address the unique and complex needs of biobanks and biorepositories while offering scalability and efficiency to organizations of all sizes, from university research labs to contract research organizations, laboratories and large-scale pharmaceutical and biotechnology facilities. The company delivers the software, equipment, consumables, reagents and services to provide the end-to-end solution required for today’s rapidly changing organizations.
With solutions from both the Thermo Scientific and Fisher BioServices brands, the integrated biobanking portfolio encompasses everything from sample preparation (centrifuges and laminar flow cabinets) and liquid handling equipment (pipettes, automated liquid handling) to cold storage devices (freezers and cryogenic storage) and consumables and reagents for sample preparation, analysis and storage. The biobanking solution also includes high-end equipment such as mass spectrometers and robotics to automate the biobanking process.
Fisher BioServices is the largest biorepository, managing more than 170,000,000 samples across facilities worldwide. The Thermo Scientific Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for Biobanks, specifically designed to address the unique challenges of managing biospecimen collection, location, online requests (including consent management and request management), chain of custody, data compliance and security, instrument integration and automation, and client billing, is used to manage this vast biorepository.
“Today, cross-disciplinary collaboration among peers is imperative, and many organizations are extending their reach to collaborate with university hospitals, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, contract research organizations and biobanks. This creates complexity as data and reports must be aggregated in a timely fashion without compromises in accuracy,” said Dave Champagne, vice president and general manager, Informatics, Thermo Fisher. “Our turnkey biobanking portfolio fosters collaboration and sharing so our customers can focus on advancing science and making life-saving discoveries.”
Thermo Scientific and Fisher BioServices solutions within booths 13 and 14 at ESBB include:
- Thermo Scientific LIMS for Biobanks. Biobanks require an advanced LIMS to manage biospecimen locations, online request management, data compliance and security, instrument integration, chain of custody and client billing. Thermo Scientific LIMS for Biobanks enables an integrated research information network by improving sample management and facilitating flawless transmission of data between different laboratories, partner organizations and the FDA. Standardizing on a single LIMS solution is a means of achieving easy data sharing and public access to findings.
- Biorepository Services. Fisher BioServices is the world leader in biological specimen management for the life science and clinical research industries. Its global capabilities comprise collection to repository, including transportation, inventory, biorepository services, biological lab processing and other support services. Through Fisher BioServices, the company can store BSL-3 materials, environmental samples, cell lines, tissues and blood products in facilities that are compliant with current good manufacturing laboratory and tissue practices (cGMP, cGLP, cGTP).
- Cold Storage and Freezers: Researchers worldwide protect more than two billion samples inside Thermo Scientific cold storage equipment. The company’s proven cold storage sample protection solutions range from +4C high-performance lab refrigerators to -196C cryogenic freezers. New at ESBB will be the Thermo Scientific Dense Storage system for low-temperature storage of biological samples and solutions. The system combines 1 mL Thermo Scientific Nunc CryoBank tubes with the new 13 x 13 tube dividers and Nunc™ CryoBoxes. This novel Dense Storage format effectively doubles existing storage capacity, which can reduce costs by up to 50 percent while decreasing energy use. Thermo Scientific freezers maximize sample storage capacity while minimizing the freezer’s footprint inside the lab. Five new capacities range in size from 421 - 949 liters (14.9 - 33.5 cu. ft.) and provide a number of options to suit any storage and lab space requirements. The new cabinet design and vacuum panel insulation permit storage of up to 70,000 2mL tubes or 118,300 1mL Thermo Scientific Cryobank tubes.
- Sample Storage and Automation: Integral 2D barcoded tubes and 2D readers offer a unique identifier for all samples, and the barcode scanner software is fully embedded and integrated with Thermo Scientific LIMS, allowing for a more streamlined workflow and automated data management for all samples. New at ESBB is the Thermo Scientific ID Scribe Labware Identifier for consistent and legible labeling of storage tubes, vials and other common labware. By removing the need for hand-labeling, sample misidentification is eliminated and laboratory efficiency is improved.
Also at ESBB, Thermo Fisher will present two workshops: “Efficient Storage of Biological Samples – How to store more samples in your freezer” and “Where In The World Are My Samples.”
For more information about Thermo Scientific solutions for biobanks and biorepositories, visit, call +1 866 463 6522 (U.S.), +44 161 942 3000 (EU), +31 (0)76 579 5555 (Breda), e-mail or visit
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (NYSE: TMO) is the world leader in serving science. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world healthier, cleaner and safer. With revenues of nearly $11 billion, we have approximately 37,000 employees and serve customers within pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals and clinical diagnostic labs, universities, research institutions and government agencies, as well as in environmental and process control industries. We create value for our key stakeholders through two premier brands, Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific, which offer a unique combination of continuous technology development and the most convenient purchasing options. Our products and services help accelerate the pace of scientific discovery, and solve analytical challenges ranging from complex research to routine testing to field applications. Visit
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