Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Analytical Technology Continues Water Monitoring Success by Securing Prestigious Framework Agreement with Wessex Water

Analytical Technology Continues Water Monitoring Success by Securing Prestigious Framework Agreement with Wessex Water

Manchester, UK (November 22, 2011) Specialist electrochemical sensor manufacturer Analytical Technology Inc. today announces that it has been awarded a framework agreement to supply dissolved ammonia monitoring systems to Wessex Water.

Following a detailed decision-making process in which Wessex Water evaluated a range of monitors against stringent criteria, Analytical Technology was awarded an AMP 5 framework agreement for its Q45N dissolved ammonia monitor.

Wessex Water is a regional water and sewage treatment business serving an area of the south west of England, covering 10,000 square kilometres including Dorset, Somerset, Bristol, most of Wiltshire and parts of Gloucestershire and Hampshire. The new agreement reaffirms Analytical Technology’s position as a leading supplier of water monitoring instrumentation to the majority of the UK’s largest utility companies, including Thames Water, Yorkshire Water, South West Water, United Utilities, Anglian Water and Severn Trent.

Analytical Technology’s Q45N dissolved ammonia monitor provides a new approach to on-line ammonia monitoring. The system uses reaction chemistry that converts ammonia in solution to a stable monochloramine compound that is equivalent in concentration to the original ammonia level. The chloramine concentration is then measured with a unique amperometric sensor that responds linearly to chloramines, while eliminating interference from excess free chlorine in solution. The Q45N system provides the measurement stability needed to avoid complicated automatic calibration systems and provides excellent repeatability over long periods.

For more information on Analytical Technology’s dissolved ammonia monitoring systems, please call +44(0)1457 873 318, e-mail or visit

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